03 Mar
Kia ora koutou,
I have really enjoyed getting to know our akonga, kaiako and whanau over the past 4 weeks and enjoyed the koreros (conversations). I feel privileged to work in an environment that has strong community values, so much talent and provides opportunities to work beyond the classroom. Our akonga have been working on the school gardens in community work the past weeks.
Over the next few weeks I would encourage our akonga to set up their online NCEA tracker if they have not already- I have received some great feedback about this from our akonga. https://www.nceatrack.nz/.
A reminder also that if your tamariki/tamaiti (children/child) needs to leave school for an appointment or going to be late please let me and the school office know. If they are going to be absent please let the office know. They also must sign out at the office via a phone call from the High School.
Key dates for your calendars:
- Subject evening for teachers and parents- Monday 13th March 3.00-7.30
- NCEA refresher evening at High School- Monday 27th March 5.00-6.30
Ngā mihi nui
Katy Cottrell
Careers – Zena Kavas
A number of tertiary institutions are sending us information regarding the courses they have on offer. I am encouraging ākonga to look through the information, and take some of it home to discuss with whānau. Even if they may not be interested in particular tertiary institutions, it can be useful to see the huge range of courses that are available. Please feel free to contact me with any queries or concerns.
Level 1 subjects
Art – Fleur Sadlier
We continue to develop drawing skills and experiment with materials and methods while recording information. Students are focusing on observational drawing within their theme, for artworks contributing to Visual Arts 1.2 and 2.2- with progress assessments of these week seven.
BCATS – Kieron Harding
In level 1 BCATS we have just completed our Health and Safety module and are now practicing a range of skilled joints ranging from halving to dovetails. Which will build up to the skills needed to create a toolbox.
Big History – Rose Langridge, Stuart Mason and Zena Kavas
We continue on our journey through time. We have looked at the big bang and the scientists who have contributed to our understanding of the universe across time. The class then took on the persona of one of these people and wrote about their discoveries. We also looked at a range of disciplines that people work within and the importance of working across these to find solutions. The focus this week is the stars and elements. Over the next few weeks, the planets and how they came to be will be the next stops in our timeline.
Digi Tech – Michael Draper
The level 1 digi-technologists have put together briefs for their design projects, including identifying several wider considerations that they should take into account in their design (e.g. health and safety). They are researching ways others have addressed similar problems and how learning from those solutions can inform their own design ideas. Once they’ve finished this, they will create a range of conceptual designs and, based on feedback and analysis of these, choose a core design that they will refine to create their final design.
Drama – Lucy Brownlee
We have been deep diving into the four dramatic techniques of voice, body, movement and space and exploring how to work together as a team in theatre sports games designed to boost morale, energy, self-confidence and creativity. Over the next few weeks ākonga will be developing their characters in a short skit used in our first internal AS90006 – Apply Drama Techniques in a Dramatic Context.
Mandarin – Lisa Chen
Dàjiā hǎo (Hello everyone), recently we have made some chocolate balls in class as a welcome gift in welcoming the Year 11s into our Tāwari Mandarin class. Everyone enjoyed their little welcome treat.
For the next couple of weeks ākonga will be learning the content for 1.2 speech internal assessment (AS 90869, 4 credits): Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates a personal response. This assessment is scheduled for presentation in week 9 this term.
It would be helpful for students to listen to the audio and review the language patterns on Google Classroom on a weekly basis to improve their pronunciation and writing skills. Remember to practise your “conversation exercise” and be prepared for small conversations for the next coming up lessons.
Maths – David Starshaw
The level 1 maths students are learning the content for 1.1 Number. All of the details for the year, including the homework requirements, are in the study guide that was sent out at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, feel free to be in touch.
Music – Michael Stebbing
The focus at the moment in music class continues to be broadening and deepening students’ understanding of some key harmonic theories. We’re starting to put this into practice by attempting to write our own chord progressions and reharmonise the progressions of existing songs. In the background, students should be working towards their first performance, which will be in the last week of the term. This is a ‘practice’ performance, but will be recorded for use towards Music 1.1 and Music 2.1 if needed.
Physical Education – Lucy Brownlee
Every week we are working on AS90962 – Participate Actively in a Variety of Physical Activities and Explain Factors that Influence Own Participation. We are covering a range of different sports and physical activities; and over the next few weeks there will be a special focus on exploring different facets of well-being, adding detail and a coherent structure to the written element of the assignment, and ākonga stepping up as leaders in the class to share skills and knowledge of different sports.
Level 2 subjects
Art – Fleur Sadlier
We continue to develop drawing skills and experiment with materials and methods while recording information. Students are focusing on observational drawing within their theme, for artworks contributing to Visual Arts 1.2 and 2.2- with progress assessments of these week seven.
BCATS – Kieron Harding
In level 2 BCATS we have just completed our health and safety module and a range of skilled joints ranging from halving to dovetails. We have Looked at chair designs, cutting lists and compiled lists of material quantities.
Biology – Zena Kavas
The L2 biologists are well into the learning for AS91158 Investigate a Pattern in an Ecological Community. For this unit we are looking at the ecological community of the takahe, and the different factors that impact on the takahe population. Last week we visited Zealandia to observe the takahe and talk with an expert on the takahe community. We were lucky enough to see the takahe pair close up and observe many of their adaptations. We will start to write our report for this assessment in week 5.
This is Orbell – the male takahe we observed at Zealandia.
Chemistry – Stuart Mason
The Level 2 chemists are up to learning about the reactions of alkenes, their first immersion into the chemistry of organic functional groups. The chemistry of alcohol is coming up soon. There are no assessments to worry about this term but for those who wish to do well in the exams it is worthwhile keeping up with the learning at this early stage.
Digital Technology – Michael Draper
Our level 2 digitech student is continuing their training in cybersecurity. They also have a project to create part of a cyber secure environment. Their project will be assessed against the level 2 digital media outcome standard (AS91893 4cr internal) and the level 2 digital technology process standard (AS91897 6cr internal).
Humanities – Rose Langridge
We continue to focus on identity. We have looked at how our perceived stereotypes impact how we view one another and the issues that they cause in society. Over the next few weeks, the class will be looking at social movements and how these address changing our world for the better to gain equity and rights for all. In a few weeks’ time, the class will begin to focus on deciding how they will showcase their learning and what they wish to do a deep dive into.
Mandarin – Lisa Chen
For the next couple of weeks ākonga will be learning the content for their speech internal assessment (AS 91110, 4 credits): Give a spoken presentation in Chinese that communicates information, ideas and opinions. This assessment is scheduled for presentation in early term two.
It would be helpful for students to listen to the audio and review the language patterns on Google Classroom on a weekly basis to improve their pronunciation and writing skills.
Maths – Michael Draper
Term one of the level 2 Maths (algebra and calculus) course is spent consolidating their core mathematical skills and starting learning level 2 Trigonometry and Algebra skills. These areas of work are interwoven throughout the term to provide spaced repetition and practice which strengthens long-term understanding and recall. There is no assessment this term. Instead, students work on developing long-term mastery of the mathematical learning and skills used in later learning and assessments.
Music – Michael Stebbing
The focus at the moment in music class continues to be broadening and deepening students’ understanding of some key harmonic theories. We’re starting to put this into practice by attempting to write our own chord progressions and reharmonise the progressions of existing songs. In the background, students should be working towards their first performance, which will be in the last week of the term. This is a ‘practice’ performance, but will be recorded for use towards Music 1.1 and Music 2.1 if needed.
Physical Education – Neville Paul
In level 2 Physical Education we are reflecting on ourselves, peers, leadership, helping others and our participation. We are currently working through standard AS91334.
Physics – Michael Draper
The level 2 physicists are working on learning Nuclear Physics, interspersed with some Mechanics and Electricity. Nuclear Physics, which covers atomic structure, nuclear reactions and radiation, is assessed as an internal early in term 2. Mechanics and Electricity are assessed by the end-of-year exams. Interweaving learning and practice throughout the year strengthens long-term understanding and recall of these areas.
Psychology – Zena Kavas
The L2 psychologists have been learning about the different perspectives of psychology, and how these different perspectives can explain various behaviours – AS91844 Examine Different Psychological Approaches Used to Explain a behaviour. We have focussed on the biological perspective, which includes genetics, the structure of the brain and neurotransmitters. We have experimented with reaction times and we have learned about how twin studies can help us to understand the nature versus nurture debate. We will be writing a report about how three different psychological approaches can be used to explain behaviour.
Statistics – David Starshaw
The level 2 statistics students are learning the content for 2.9 Inference. All of the details for the year, including the homework requirements, are in the study guide that was sent out at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, feel free to be in touch.
Level 3 subjects
Biology – Zena Kavas
The L3 biologists are working well and learning about the various homeostatic systems that help out body work at optimum levels in AS91604 Demonstrate an Understanding of How an
Animal Maintains a Stable Internal Environment. We have looked at thermoregulation, and we will be learning more about glucoregulation and osmoregulation. Ākonga will be assessed on how well they can apply what they have learned to a specific situation, and explain what happens when the system is disrupted.
Chemistry – Stuart Mason
The Level 3 chemists have worked with great collaboration and independence to master the integration of data from infrared spectroscopy, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry to identify unknown organic substances. They will be deciding as a class which of the next couple of weeks will be the time they will all be ready for the internal assessment. After that we will continue with organic chemistry.
Digital Technology – Michael Draper
Our level 3 Digitech student is working on one of the most essential parts of any project brief: ensuring you have a clear and accurate definition of the problem for which you plan to develop a solution. This involves both developing a conceptual understanding of what the problem might be, and talking with stakeholders to understand their perspectives on the problem or issue. Once a clear understanding of the problem is obtained, then work can commence on identifying where the greatest needs or opportunities for improvement may lie – the next step in this process.
English – Rose Langridge
English took a rather grisly turn with the class choosing to watch Tim Burton’s, Sweeny Todd. The class will now unpack this film and then compare and contrast it with Alice in Wonderland. We will then look into the technical aspects of films and look at what makes a film a Tim Burton film and the impact of his directing style on the films he has taken his creative flair to.
History – Rose Langridge
We have looked at how we got to World War One, then focused on propaganda and the impact of this on those at home and those being asked to fight. We are now looking at the life of soldiers but doing this from a slightly different angle by focusing on the story of Sigfried Sassoon and his time at Craiglockhart hospital with men who had shellshock. We will be moving on to the life of those who were impacted by the war at home next.
Maths – David Starshaw
The level 3 maths students are learning the content for 3.15 Systems of Equations. All of the details for the year, including the homework requirements, are in the study guide that was sent out at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, feel free to be in touch.
Physical Education – Neville Paul
In level 3 physical education we are currently working through standard AS91498. We are questioning and challenging assumptions on the potential impact of experiences on lifelong well-being. We are also making coherent and insightful judgments that build on the questions and challenges.
Physics – Michael Draper
The level 3 physicists have cracked through learning about modern physics and are preparing for their assessment (AS91525, internal, 3 credits) on Tuesday 7 March. Once they’re finished with this, they’ll move on to learning about waves and beginning level 3 Mechanics. Both of these are assessed in the end-of-year external physics exam.
Psychology – Zena Kavas
The L3 psychologists have been learning and revising their understanding of the different psychological approaches, and how these approaches can explain behaviours. We have focussed more in-depth on the biological approach, and this will form the basis for one of the approaches that ākonga choose to focus on. We are working towards AS91872 analyse the Interaction Between Psychological Approaches. We have discussed twin studies, and how they can shed some light on the nature versus nurture debate, and we experimented with reaction times in a range of short experiments.
Social Studies – Rose Langridge
The focus this term is on groups who have pushed and been successful in making policy changes either within governments or within companies. We have looked at the #neveragainmovement, the response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Climate Change. Over the next few weeks, we will move closer to home and look at movements that started in Aotearoa.
Statistics – David Starshaw
The level 3 statistics students are learning the content for 3.10 Formal Inference. All of the details for the year, including the homework requirements, are in the study guide that was sent out at the beginning of the year. If you have any questions, feel free to be in touch.