03 Jul

Matariki Concert

Kia Ora e te Whānau,

Wow!  What an amazing Matariki concert we had last week!  It was fabulous to see so many whānau in the audience.  The tamariki were so excited to share what they had been practicing and were so proud of how they remembered their parts.

This kind of whole class effort as a community has encouraged collaboration, self discipline, social skills,  confidence and creativity.  As kaiako we noticed the way different tamariki stepped up as leaders during this work – respectfully and gracefully helping others to remember their parts and get into position.

Here are some pictures of Rātā class both practicing and performing.

Karakia and Waiata

Each morning a different ākonga starts our morning off with saying their mihi, that ākonga then leads us for our opening karakia and chooses a waiata.  The tamariki have been talking about sharing the karakia and waiata with their whānau.

Here is the opening karakia we say here in Rātā each morning

Traditional Karakia

Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia mākinakina ki uta
Kia mātaratara ki tai
E hī ake ana te atakura
He tio, he huka, he hau hū
Tīhei mauri ora!

Cease the winds from the west
Cease the winds from the south
Let the breeze blow over the land
Let the breeze blow over the ocean
Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air. 
A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.

Here are a couple of our favourite waiata we like to sing to begin our days:

School Song

Wā Ora Aroha

Wā Ora Aroha ki ngā akonga e

Kia kaha rā

Kia manawanui

Ki te hāpai i te reo rangatira

Tāwari Kawakawa, Tāwhai me Tōtara

Rata Kauri Pūriri Pōhutukawa

Arā ko Nīkau, ko Rewarewa

Kōwhai me te rōpū

Korikori Harakeke e

Tū māia tū kaha, tū mana māori e

Wā Ora aroha ki ngā ākonga e (x2)

Wā Ora aroha ki ngā ākonga e

Haere mai, haere mai

Nau mai ra, nau mai ra
E ngā iwi e haere mai
Ki runga o te marae te marae
Hui mai tātou katoa
E hine mā x2 e tama mā x2
Hapainga ra to mana     

Māori e
Kia rewa runga rawa
I a ha hā
E ngā iwi e
Haere mai, haere mai.


I’m sure your lovely tamariki would love to teach you these!

Have a great time with your whānau over the holidays, be safe and be well.

Nga mihi nui,

Tania, Robyn, Aimee and Venice.