19 Aug

Kia Ora Whānau,

Here are some updates of happenings over the last couple of weeks!

After all of Lottie’s hard work organising and managing our production the primary classes decided to write letters to show our appreciation!

The production was a great success!!! All the tamariki worked so hard to practice and put on an amazing performance!! Many ākonga spoke about seeing their whānau out in the audience and how excited that made them!!

There has been a lot of interest in publishing work on the computer recently.  We had a class meeting and came up with some rules to manage this fairly.  Some people wrote a class list out on the typewriter to fairly allocate turns.

Buzz was very proud of his published writing, ākonga have to write their piece in their writing books first, then check it and edit with an adult before publishing.

The day after the production we had a relaxing time socialising, playing music and bonding with Mr Bean our class pet.

Clara was very excited to have her whānau come for her birthday walk at the end of production week.

All the best,

Robyn, Tania, Aimee and Robyn