08 Dec

Overnight stay at Pūkaha Wildlife Centre, Mount Bruce.

Last week our year fours ventured off in the school van and various cars on a great adventure to Pūkaha Wildlife centre.  We had a powhiri to welcome everyone and all slept in a beautiful wharenui.  The hosts were incredibly welcoming and knowledgeable and the tamariki were respectful, inquisitive and fully involved themselves in the experience.  We did a walk through the bush to see insects, birds and eels both at night and during the day.

A couple of weeks ago we had Abi’s birthday.  It was great to reflect on Abi’s journey in life and at Wa Ora and Abi and her friends enjoyed thinking about all the great times they have had together over the years.

Each week our lovely librarian Hannah comes to the classes and shared books she thinks may be of interest to the tamariki.  These book talks are a big hit and many children race off to the library afterwards to issue new books they have been introduced to.  It is so great to see the love of reading so alive at Wa Ora!