01 Sep

Kia Ora Whānau,

Over the week many tamariki made Father’s Day cards.  Some were made during Mandarin where Lisa taught the tamariki to say things such as “I love you” and “thank you” in Mandarin.  Some tamariki enjoyed learning to make pop up cards referring to a number of books.  This took great concentration and perseverance to follow the instructions and execute the designs which could be really tricky at times!!

We hope a card made it home to you and wish all the Dads a great day celebrating what awesome parents you are.


Over the last few weeks Addison and Amelia, along with the help of Venice, organised “Yellow Shirt Day” to fundraise for the cancer foundation.  They created a sign with all the information, talked to the office staff about which day would work best and asked them to share the details with whānau.  Addison and Amelia went around all the classes prior to the day to talk about where their donations would go.  The day fundraised over $100!

An important part of the Maths curriculum is around fractions and the ākonga regularly get lessons building their fraction knowledge.  This week some ākonga did some work ordering fractions biggest to smallest.  They started this as a group task then put their knowledge to the test creating their own poster showing fractions in order.

Children all have their own interests and it is great they share these interests with the class so we all discover new and exciting things about the world!  A recent big topic of research and fact sharing has been dinosaurs!  Jed and Logan have been creating a timeline of when different species of dinosaurs lived.  Harrison has made an illustrated book of facts about dinosaurs on the computer.


On Friday it was Maria Montessori’s birthday!!! We celebrated by doing a birthday walk and talking about Maria Montessori’s inspirational life work as a doctor and educator which resulted in the existence of our school!  We even did 154 claps as she would be 154 if she were alive today.

We hope you all had a great weekend

Tania, Robyn, Aimee and Venice