13 Sep

Kia Ora Whānau,

We enjoyed celebrating Manu’s birthday with him this week.  His friends were able to jog his memory on the different birthday parties he’s had over the years!  Happy birthday Manu!

Ākonga have been very motivated to create projects recently.  Many of these are about scientific topics such as animals, planets, plants, geography, dinosaurs and lots more!  The tamariki research the topic and present their findings in a creative way such as a report, poster, 3D model, booklet, diorama or some other imaginative presentation!

Evie and Leila are working on a project about owls, drawing diagrams and writing thorough reports.

Rather than researching a topic Damien turned his imaginative story into an art project complete with animals!

Julene and Amelia have done research on snakes and are presenting their findings with paintings and posters.

It was fabulous so many akonga and kaiako joined in our pyjama day to fundraise for the 9-12 school camp coming up at the end of the term!!!

Many children have been highly motivated to do fabulous writing and proof reading (spelling, punctuation and making sure it makes sense) then publishing it on the computer to put in our Rātā published writing book!

We look forward to seeing many of you at parent, teacher conferences next week!